the Wrights

arroyo grande, california, United States

Friday, November 2, 2012

clean babies.

not a big fan of the day but yet so much
fun to dress up.
how can i take a holiday away from my kids 
that involves dressing of the most fun things ever...
and a bunch of free candy?
so yes, i participate in this mostly evil holiday
but my kids will only always be sweet things and we
wont celebrate the "evilness" of it!
so this year
when all i feel like i have been doing is looking at 
packing tape, boxes, and oh bags and bags
of bubble wrap....
and really your only break
 (to think about things like halloween costumes)
 comes while sitting on the pot {ie toilet}
having full view of the shower
lets just say your "two worlds"
so my kids were a soapy sponge and a pick loofah?
of course made out of packing materials....
foam piece, bubble wrap, rope....
so here are the pictures to survey the damage!

Hey....whaaat are you wearing????

ok lets go....

Come on...what is taking so long? Lets go.
 quick family can imagine how happy everyone was with me....sigh all around...

surveying the loot....hmmm is my favorite in if he even knows what candy is...hahaha
{although now he does...pretty sure its not a good thing!}

getting ready to skype grandma and grandpa and nana and papa and uncle matthew and aunt berna!
 hey what gives?....he took all the candy!!!!

we also did some pumpkin carving the night are some snapshots of that excitement...jesse was not sure about sticking his hand inside the was pretty funny to watch.

 wow Dad this is nuts!!!!

" hey you outta try this stuff...its not that bad!"

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