the Wrights

arroyo grande, california, United States

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

life-changing goodbye.

life as we know it is different.
auntie alyson has moved out.
jesse's best friend and
second mom
is moving on 
and had to move out this past weekend.
we were very sad to see her go...
but we will talk a little more about that
first i have a couple pictures of the kids to 

elleanne-5 weeks old. this weekend i snapped
another picture
of jesse re-arranging our bathroom
he loves to move things
and then line them up 
in a very specific order.

alright and some

jesse-17 months
{he was late for his smile this time.}

so uncle matthew and aunt berna,
decided to hitch a ride to meet
their new niece.
they also helped move alyson out.
i have the pictures to share.

so now for the more difficult
part of the blog.
the goodbye.
so auntie alyson
is gone.
mark and i talked about the
whole thing after she left and 
we decided that if given 
another chance to do it again 
or not (have alyson move in.)
we would say yes!
we really enjoyed having her here
however we are looking forward
to each kid having their own room
and getting back a little more
space to spread out :)!
ok so the pictures ...

....well just kidding it wont let me upload more... it says i have to purchase more space...
i am not sure about this...i need to investigate...i will post the pictures later!

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