the Wrights

arroyo grande, california, United States

Thursday, May 17, 2012


alyson is done with finals.
she made it through her first year of
she knocked out some really hard 
classes over the course of this year.
boy i can really relate to 
that feeling of relief when finals are
done...i hated school
and i am so glad it is over!
so here is one picture of alyson studying...
is she actually studying?
can you see at least 3 very distracting
yes! the candy, the itouch, oh and who is
that mysterious figure on the computer screen? that her boyfriend josh?
and she thinks she did well on finals
im sure she did, lucky for her she does look like she is studying
[by the way, she has no idea i took this picture!]
so we had a party tonight to celebrate
complete with chicken tacos and virgin
and yes that is mark
scarrrrry that i am married to him!
supposedly he has his masters degree from college!

and last thing for this entry 
i have something else to post
that was made by someone.
our good family friends the lowes
sent us a gift for elleanne
and i just have to brag about anne lowe's
talent...she knitted this adorable sweater
and hat.
oh my goodness it is sooo cute, 
the picture does not do it justice.
i cant wait to put it on elleanne!
well thats it for today!

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