the Wrights

arroyo grande, california, United States

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

family, friends, food

whew, sorry for the absence
it has been busy around our house
lately...and mostly because
of some big news that i am not yet allowed
to disclose on the internet
...sorry...but i am very excited to 
post about it soon.

anyways last friday we were invited
over to some new friends house for dinner.
it was fun to get to now new people but
definitely a new experience to bring kids 
into the picture of friends..we are still learning how to do 
that whole ordeal. 

candied walnuts for the salad we brought...
(super easy recipe...let me know if you want it)...anyways, mark thinks it looks like  barf>>>>

so on to the rest of the weekend...
my parents came up to visit for the weekend
which was great! we hadn't seen them since the holidays
so it was wonderful to see them again.

<<< jesse and grandma & grandpa

 we drove around for awhile checking out the 5 cities...ended up at port of san luis in avila.   V

yes the gargantic ^ belly! i know! and jesse supporting his daddy in calpoly gear!

walking with grandma and beached whale momma. >>>

^^^ hangin out with grandpa...after his nap...getting his back scratched....what a life!?! >>>

now the pictures i post next are wonderful!
i am keeping up with postings
about things other people make
....and i have a great source of handmade
wonderfulness from my mom! these things are
sooo they take a lot of time
and they are soooo cute!


the clothing line of ....

dutch greatness{felt the need to throw that in...;)} 

made by s.david.

[all for baby girl wright..and the pictures dont do the clothes justice.]


 the overlay snaps off and you can snap on the featured below.

all that fine detailed stitching is smocking and a couple of those dresses were my baby dresses that she smocked for me!

lastly...random pregnancy update:
18 more days till april!!!
thats when we work to get this baby out!
full term in less than 2 weeks!!!
all i want to eat is cereal, berries {fruit}, and root beer!!!
yummm...strawberry pie before the delicious sugary crust topping!
this baby is definitely a porker!

ohhh ooops one more thing
we have video of jesse walking really good
he can walk across our entire family room
stay tuned...hopefully it will be in tom. post.

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