the Wrights

arroyo grande, california, United States

Saturday, March 17, 2012

irish saturday.

happy st. patrick's day!

[so this holiday used to be more special for me because for most of my life my dad tried to tell me that i am irish on his side of the family...well thats not really true...there may be a smidgen somewhere but he just decided it was cool to be irish so he adopted it and told all his kids they were irish. can you imagine the identity crisis one undergoes, when for every school report they tout that they are irish and dutch...and then many years later find out it was bogus?hahahaha.] not the same specialness but still fun, heh?
anyways, today was a lovely day.
it is the start to mark's birthday
weekend and we were kinda
sad about all the rain that was expected
{especially after we changed plans to go be with
 mark's family...sickness in turlock got in the way-sickness and 
9 months pregnant dont mix well.} 
however it ended up being really relaxing and nice.

<<< this is a picture of the only break in the rain...see the dark clouds headed our direction. {picture taken from our dining table}

so for marks birthday weekend 
i decided to make his new favorite coffee cake
[except it calls for blueberries but i changed it to raspberries]

<<<  i dont know how i would live without my mixer!

we both love 
raspberries >>>

<<< the entire coffee cake...dont you love frosting [i doubled up on that part, hehe]

yummm, a wonderful saturday morning in the rain [plus jesse slept- in till 0930 this am...
a little calm before the storm for us!] >>>

so i have the most adorable thing to show you.
this dress was given to us {or our little girl}
by marks mom... and its so cute, i cant bring myself to put it it hangs in our living room.
however today i kept thinking how cute she would look in
it specifically today because 
it reminds me of a whimsical st. patty's day.

alright last food picture i promise but 
i feel it would be wrong to not take a picture
of the traditional st. patty's day meal:
corn beef, red potatoes, cabbage, carrots, and beer [yes its o'douls(non-alcoholic)]

alright so we did do some productive things today...
like get ready for the new baby.
which means freeing up our infant carrier car seat
so jesse is now in a big boy car
seat- it feels really strange to me, to move
him out of the infant car seat.
here are some pictures of the new "life changes".

i can not believe this is the back seat of our car...crazy!
[and if you know how i pack...i generally pry out the kitchen sink to drag along know this creates quite the challenge. but never fear-i have been known to strap things to the ceiling: hill-billy style!]

1 comment:

  1. you need to have a recipe section on here cause that coffee cake looks delish!! can i get the recipe? i'm drooling.
    exciting to have two car seats in the back seat :) we put them both next to each other and that made more space in our teeny tiny little car! and i just am dying over the cuteness of all those sweet baby girl clothes you have!
