the Wrights

arroyo grande, california, United States

Sunday, March 18, 2012


my brother.
yes, samuel is my youngest brother 
and this blog post is not really about him
but it relates to him in my life.
confused, well read on.

so in church today, we learned about
samuel. it is a wonderful sunday school
story that most of us hear while growing up.
for those of us in my family
it was always a little more special of a story
because of our brother samuel. for us, the david siblings,samuel, our brother really did live up to his name:
[samuel]:"God has heard".
samuel, in the bible, always was taught to have this wonderful
connection to God in his ability to hear God and speak with 
Him even at a young age.
i always just assumed that samuel was just one of 
those "chosen" ones that God decides to reveal himself 
very intimately too.
however, this may not be news to any of you, 
but samuel, even at his young age, was not just going
about his business hoping that one day God
would talk to him. no, he was definitely laying at the foot 
of the ark of the covenant, in the my
pastor said "thats definitely setting yourself up for
success to hear God...dont you think".
so i know this is probably common sense
but i like when things are just re-stated
simply and plainly for me...
how are you going to hear from God if you dont know him?
samuel was setting himself up for success {i also believe God can speak to us at anytime, he is God after all, right?}...
but if we want to hear from Him
we actually need to get to know Him.
for example, we often dont need to look at who is talking to 
us if it is family or close friends...we know them...we know 
their voice....through practice and experience.
the same would definitely be true of God.
im sure i am stating the obvious
i was just so shocked that samuel was not just some
random kid God chose to hear his voice,
yes, he was special...and a listener of God...
but he was doing everything, and in a position to hear God.
well thanks for listening ..or reading my thoughts.

so random picture of life in paso.
mark has trained the dogs to sit in the 
living room while jesse eats
[so much temptation for jesse to feed the dogs...
which he loves to do, of course}
so the dogs obey...but like kids...leave just their front
  paws on the kitchen floor
"im obeying just not the complete 100%"
...says the dogs. the way it is Mark's 30th birthday tomorrow!.
oh and ps...
 i think i changed the settings, so now you do not need a google account to leave a comment...but please dont feel like you have to.                          we'll see if this works.


  1. happy birthay mark!!! i am so thankful that you are my son. God couldn't have given us a better son and husband for our laura!!! hope you have a great day and that this next year is everything that you desire and hope for.
    and laura, great post! mom david

  2. ok, now you can all laugh:) i know it says "anonymous" and then i signed "mom david" but i thought i was posting a comment that only you could read by pushing the anonymous button. i guess i'll try another button, live and learn, love you all, mom
    never mind, it's the only button i can push:)

  3. mom..u are so .... i!

  4. You have outdone yourself again Laura!! Can't believe you were posting things at 11:30 at night!!! Loved seeing the birthday celebration since we weren't able to be with him. You are the best! You did an outstanding job, as usual. Hoping to talk to you tomorrow morning to catch up. (can't remember (what else is new) when your Dr appt. is this week, but I will try to catch you in the morning because the rest of the day is full) mom w
